The farci
from Poitou
Originally produced in the Civray area
(Vienne - 86) between Poitiers and Confolens, you
can also find it in the Deux-Sèvres
and in Charente. The farci from Poitou is
sold in local Pork butcher's and butcher's.
Industrial production is low.
The farci from Poitou existed in the 19th century
under the name of fars but in the second part of
the 20th century its marketing developped.
It is eaten in slices as cold starter as well as
main dish fried with oil in a frying pan.

Farci from Poitou recipe
Ingredients :
1kg halfsalted fat streaky bacon
1 handful of sorrel
10 large cabbages leaves
1 cauliflower
3 or 4 salads
6 leeks whites
12 eggs
150g flour
1 bunch of parsley
1 bunch of chives
garlic, salt, pepper 1 kg de lard 1/2 sel, pepper.
Preparation :
40 minutes
Cooking :
2 hours 1/2 minutes
Blanch the cabbages leaves. Reserve.
Boil sorrel and cook cauliflower.
Cut in tiny pieces cauliflower, sorrel, salads, leeks
whites, parsley, chives and garlic. Cut fat streaky bacon in
dice. Mix everything together.
Add the 12 eggs and mix. Add flour, salt and pepper. Mix
Put preparation in the cabbages leaves and wrap in a
Cook in a pressure-cooker full of water for 2 hours 1/2.
Take the water out after cooking, drain in a colander and
let it cool down before taking the cloth out.