lentils from Berry
Lentil is a plant from the papilionacae family
whose seeds constitute a pulse with exceptional
qualities of taste.
Berry is the main french producer of green
lentils and production in the Cher and Indre
departments is about 1,5 ton.
Lentils from Berry have a red label.

Green lentils from Berry cream with smoked haddock
250 g green lentils from Berry
2 smoked haddock fillets
1 onion
3 cloves
1 carrot
1/4 liter milk
1/4 liter cream
30 minutes
25 minutes
Bake green lentils from Berry in salt water with a carrot
and an onion sticked with cloves.
During baking remove the haddock skin. Cut the fillets in
two and poach them 5 minutes in the milk.
When lentils are baked, purée them, add milk and
cream and check seasoning.
Serve in a hot soup plate and add the smoked haddock fillets
at the last moment. Add chervil to decorate.
Recipe of Mr Pinault from l'Hotel de la Plage
Hotel de la Plage
42 rue du Pont
36210 Chabris